15 Jul


Hi there! 

Thanks for visiting us at Brixton Vegan Market on the 8th.  Photos to be uploaded shortly.  It was boiling hot day! But the food survived and lots of interesting conversations and a bit of networking going on. 

I was just thinking that  - yes I don't want to be doom laden, but this run of hot weather with no rain for 6 weeks so far - could well be the result of climate change.  Although we have had heat waves here in the UK before, this kind of intense heat with no rain is not something most of us are used to.  I spend a fair bit of time in Portugal where I have been working with others on renovating some overgrown farm  land. The heat in Portugal has been getting more and more intense and we heard last year about the terrifying forest fires which sadly claimed many lives. No rain, intense heat plus winds are the ideal conditions for spreading fires.  And again only a few weeks ago we have had a taste of this here with fires that took hold on the moors in Northern England causing wide spread fears  not only about air pollution but about devastation of the landscape and affect it would have on birds and wildlife. I know eating meat and dairy products are such a habitual part of peoples' lives however the emissions produced by animal farming plus the lack of bio-diversity caused by growing limited numbers of crops to feed animals reared for us to eventually consume  - is causing up to 65% of the damage world wide in terms of global warming. (According to a UN research report and the US Food Agency) Aren't these all good reasons to start introducing more vegan dishes into your diet? Go plant based! 

Sarah (co-Director of Green Screen Food)

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