We are set up with the aim to be mindful of the impact that the production and consumption of food has on the environment.

Green Screen Catering is a vegan caterer. Vegan diet produces 60% less C02 into the environment that a meat and dairy diet. (UN Report)

Climate change has been called humankind’s greatest challenge and is having an impact on every continent affecting eco systems, peoples’ and animals’ health, water supplies and agriculture. (United Nations)

Therefore at Green Screen Catering one of our aims is to get as near as we can to a leaving no carbon footprint through our work and to eliminating food waste.
The U.N. states that farming animals for food is “one of the top  most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.
”A University of Chicago study even showed that you can reduce your carbon footprint more effectively by going vegan than by switching from a conventional car to a hybrid.
Nitrous oxide is about 300 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. According to the U.N., the meat, egg, and dairy industries account for an astonishing 65% of worldwide nitrous-oxide emissions.Billions of animals are crammed onto factory farms each year – which we all acknowledge is a cruel existence.

At Green Screen Catering we want to enable you to access delicious and healthy food that is cruelty free.Factory farmed animals also produce enormous amounts of methane. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has shown that animal agriculture is globally the single largest source of methane emissions and that, pound for pound, methane is more than 25 times as effective as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in our atmosphere.Green Screen Catering will supply menus that are made from ingredients sourced locally to cut down on pollution caused by the transportation of food.

Green Screen Catering will also only work with local vegan chefs and food producers and use seasonal food supplies.To deliver your food we will guarantee to use cyclists or electric transportation.We also will supply utensils that are 100% compostable and through our contacts with local food banks and Peoples’ Fridge and homeless organisations such as Street Kitchen we guarantee that there is no food waste.

Helping to combat waste and carbon emissions in the Film and TV Industry According to Carbon Visuals the average rate of emissions associated with TV production, based on data from about 80 programmes, is about 8.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hour. One episode of a TV series currently produces the same amount of carbon emissions as the annual emissions associated with heating and lighting for a pair of semi-detached houses (figures produced by the BBC).

In 2015 the BFI’s Research and Statistics Unit calculated the annual carbon footprint for UK film production at 149,760 C02 tonnes.Therefore the annual footprint for UK film production would be around 900,000 double decker buses or a small town of semi-detached houses. Another way to think about it is that the average citizen generates7.5 tonnes of carbon per annum, while a film crew working on an 8week shoot will on average generate 2.69 tonnes per crew member.
So how can the film industry help to combat waste and lower carbon footprint?
Through appointing a ‘green manager’ for the duration of your shoot In terms of your catering needs
Green Screen Catering can guarantee: To avoid plastic bottles and use of plastics at all cost
Use reusable containers compostable cups and utensils
Use vegan chefs that have initiated sustainable procedures
Avoid “bad sugars”: offer natural drinks to replace fizzy drinks and dried fruit (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, apricots, figs, etc.) tok eep the crew’s energy levels up in a healthy manner

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